Personal Growth

How Self-Limiting Beliefs Harm You?

We all have many beliefs since our childhood. We keep creating new beliefs as we grow further in life and shatter some of them too. But, self-limiting beliefs are the ones that hurt us a...

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What Is Guilt Tripping and How to Respond to It?

Think of guilt tripping as an emotional manipulation technique. In this technique, a person can make you feel guilty for something, even when you haven’t done something wrong. You may start doubting yourself. You may...

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Common Mental Blocks Holding You Back from Success

You may feel their stubbornness when attempting to solve a complex application problem, start a business, or do a creative project. You’ve accumulated these mental barriers over time, just like picking up pebbles on a...

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Do You Really Care About Your Brain Health?

Who plays a pivotal role in our overall wellness? Our brain. Who governs our thoughts and feelings? Our brain. Who controls our behaviors? Our brain. Our brains are extraordinary powerhouses. They are exceptionally adept at...

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15 Effective Tips To Help You Complete Projects Faster

Whether it’s a personal project or a work-related endeavor, the desire to complete projects more efficiently is universal. Why? Because, you are striving to be more efficient. It shows that you can manage your time,...

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15 Powerful Techniques to Influence Anyone Positively

We daily influence someone — consciously or subconsciously. We can influence people positively or negatively. In negative influence, people may use various harmful and unethical tactics to manipulate, deceive, exploit, or coerce their targets for...

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How Constant Exposure to News Impacts Our Mental Health

Let’s face it. We love news. We just can’t get enough of it, no matter if it’s good, bad, or worse. Admit it, most of us are hooked on news, and sometimes, we desperately look...

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How Can You Identify The Sin of Gluttony in the 21st Century?

According to Wikipedia, the definition of “Gluttony” is: Gluttony means overindulgence and overconsumption of food, drink, or wealth items, particularly as status symbols. For this article purpose, I am just referring to the sin of...

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How Can You Identify the Sin of Pride in the 21st Century?

Pride or vainglory or vanity is the number 1 sin by order and most loved by the Devil (remember Al Pacino in the movie “The Devil’s Advocate”?). The sin of pride affects you when you...

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Natalie Du Toit Fulfilled Her Dreams Despite Losing One Leg

Tragedy can happen to anyone, as it did to Natalie du Toit when she was just 17 years old. While riding her scooter to school, she was involved in a car accident. Sustaining severe injuries,...

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