Are You Confused if Open Relationship is Right for You?

Open Relationship

The lure of open relationships! It does sound exciting.

You may have read or seen something about it somewhere. Perhaps you have heard about it from a friend.

Maybe a friend of yours is in this kind of relationship, and they are saying very postive things about it.

Now you are also considering it, but you are grappling with an internal question, “Is it right for me?”

It is a very complex question, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

It may work and may not work, depending on multiple factors.

But before we look into those factors, you need to think about why you are considering it.

Why Are You Considering an Open Relationship?

What are your motivations for considering an open relationship?

Be truthful with yourself and figure out why you want to choose this path.

Are you curious and want to explore how it feels to be in an open relationship?

You and your partner are in love with each other. But, are you feeling that there are certain sexual needs that your current relationship is unable to fulfill?

Or do you feel that you are not monogamous by nature? The process of figuring out and understanding your motivation is crucial.

If you’re considering opening up your relationship because you are unhappy or unsatisfied with your current partner, that is a red flag.

Please keep in mind that if there are issues in your current relationship, an open relationship cannot resolve them. In fact, your problems may become worse.

However, if both of you have given consent and are happy to explore this together with mutual respect, then you can give it a chance.

Factors That Can Make an Open Relationship Right for You

Now, let’s look into some important factors that can decide if open relationship is right for you or not.

1. Research is Crucial

Make sure that you and your partner have done sufficient research before entering into an open relationship.

This research should cover the various risks and challenges that may arise during the relationship.

It should also take into account the emotional challenges and strategies for dealing with them.

The research should ensure that both you and your partner are on the same page about the open relationship and that you both fully understand its pros and cons.

You can only survive the relationship if you don’t make decisions in haste.

To avoid making a hasty decision, thorough research is crucial

2. No Sacrifices

Ensure that neither you nor your partner is sacrificing anything.

Enter into an open relationship only when both of you are genuinely open to it, free from any inner anxieties or fears.

Some people reluctantly choose to enter an open relationship because they don’t want to lose their partner. They agree for the sake of their partner’s happiness.

If you are not compromising your morality or values, then you can proceed.

3. Strong Communication

Are you and your partner strong communicators?

I ask this because communication is key.

There can be tough situations, emotional issues, and third-party dramas that may arise from time to time.

So, it’s essential that both of you know how to communicate effectively and resolve issues with empathy and respect.

With strong communication, you can ensure that both parties’ feelings are acknowledged, and no one feels neglected.

4. Trust is Key

Without trust, a successful relationship is unimaginable.

So, do you and your partner trust each other?

Without trust, effective communication between you both will be difficult.

Without mutual deep trust, you won’t be able to open as much as needed in an open relationship.

If either you or your partner have any doubts, work on them first. Build the trust.

With trust, you can prevent misunderstandings and miscommunication.

If trust is not an issue in your relationship, an open relationship can be a fantastic experience.

5. No Inhibitions

Question yourself.

Will you have the guts to look into the eyes of your partner when you come home after a hookup?

Will you feel uneasy?

If you do, then it’s not for you.

But if both of you remain unfazed, feeling at ease and relaxed, then YES, you’re heading in the right direction.

6. Don’t Break The Rules

To have a successful open relationship, it’s essential to set clear rules and boundaries.

So, ask yourself.

Will you be able to follow the rules that you have set? What will be the consequences if you break a rule? How will you deal with it?

If you know the answers to the above questions, that’s great! If you think you will be a great partner in resolving any issues, that’s also great!

And if you will remain faithful to the rules and boundaries as much as possible, voilà!, An open relationship may be the right choice for you.

7. No Time Issues

Do you spend enough time in your current relationship? If yes, that’s great!

Later on, will you engage in any arguments or fights over lack of time for each other?

If not, that is wonderful!

Furthermore, will you be able to find extra time for this “sexual extracurricular activity”? Apart from managing your daily tasks, goals, personal projects, etc.?

If yes, that’s fantastic! Go head!

8. No Jealousy or Comparison

I hope you don’t have any jealous tendencies.

Choose this option only if you believe you can handle having fewer sexual opportunities while your partner has more.

You won’t engage in comparison, and you won’t show even a trace of jealousy.

Because a little jealousy, over time, can grow into a raging fire that could burn down the house of your relationship.

But will you truly feel no jealousy when someone else touches and enjoys your partner’s body?

If so, how can you be sure that you are not emotionally detached from your partner?

If you can remain emotionally attached while not feeling jealous of your partner’s hookups, then an open relationship may be the right choice for you.

9. No Need for The Helping Hand

Imagine a situation where you’re spending the weekend working on urgent tasks from your job or freelance projects.

Your partner has gone out to be with someone else, and while you’re focused on your work, a little child is crying for your attention.

You’re trying to manage everything, but it’s gradually becoming overwhelming.

The deadline is approaching, you need to feed the child, and your share of household chores is still waiting for you.

At this moment, you might wish your partner were home to lend a helping hand. However, your partner may have gone out due to a prior commitment with their new partner.

If you can stay calm in situations like this and handle them well, then you may be well-suited to happily engage in an open relationship.

10. Great Emotional Control

Do you think you have the willpower to control your emotions for a new sexual partner?

A one time encounter is fine, but what about if you fel like meeting that person again and again?

Can you stay strong and self-aware when you feel your emotions shifting towards someone new?

Can you, like a pro, just stop those emotions when they arise?

Can you stay true to your primary partner and remain emotionally faithful in such situations?

If yes, that’s a great sign that you can handle an open relationship well.

11. No Emergency Emotional Call

Imagine a hypothetical situation where you go out to meet a new person, and your sexual date turns into a disaster.

You come home, only to find that your partner is out meeting someone else.

You begin to feel an urge for your partner to be home, to comfort you or listen to your story about what went wrong.

If you feel this way, an open relationship might not be right for you.

However, if you’re certain you won’t mind, it could be a green light for you.

12. No Problem Dealing with What Your Child May Face

Think about a hypothetical situation where you have a child.

One day, your child goes to school. There is another child who happens to be your neighbor’s kid.

That child says hurtful things about you or your partner and teases your child.

Perhaps your neighbor somehow found out about your open relationship status, and she is a judgmental person. The child might have overheard it from her.

Your child comes home crying and tells you what happened.

Will you have enough maturity to help your child understand your relationship?

Will you be able to guide her on how to handle such situations in the future?

If so, then entering an open relationship may be the right decision for you.

If you don’t want children, that’s a different matter altogether.

13. No Moral Obligations

We live in a society, and we care for our family members and friends.

Do you think your family and friends can digest the concept of an open relationship?

It may be easier in Western cultures, but what if you belong to a traditional culture or country?

Do you think that when the time comes, you will explain things better to them?

Do you believe you are not bound to moral obligations and want to live your life on your terms?

If you are a rebel ready to face the world, then you can absolutely choose to open your relationship.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, only you and your partner can decide if an open relationship is right for you.

An open relationship is a path that requires a lot of trust, communication, and emotional maturity.

But if you and your partner are willing to put in as much work as it may require, an open relationship can be a rewarding experience for both of you.

Furthermore, there is no one right way to do relationships. So if you are happy and fulfilled in your relationship, that matters most.

By Rajesh Sharma

Rajesh Sharma is a freelance IT Consultant who has found his new passion in digital writing. On this blog, he writes about Social Experience (SX) and shares tips on improving them.

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